Coconut Bread

Pan de Coco - Coconut Bread


25 gr. yeast
200 gr. sugar
750 gr. flour
1 egg
50 gr. lard
50 gr. butter
A pinch of salt

1Teaspoon Baking powder
Warm milk 

Warm water
300 gr. dried coconut
200 gr. sugar
30 gr. Powdered Sugar


Mix on table, the dry ingredients together: yeast, flour, salt, 150gr. of dried coconut.  Once well mixed made a crown and add the butter, baking powder, vanilla and egg, mix well and slowly add the warm milk, gradually knead until the dough is smooth and uniform , let stand for 20 minutes. 
In a pan mix 150gr. of  coconut with 250 gr. of sugar. Cut dough into pieces of about 50 grams each and make balls with the open hand, let stand in a bowl, cover with warm water. After 10 minutes thread it through by  the coconut-sugar. Place the balls on a tray in the oven and take them off until double in size. Turn On the oven and  bake at 250 ºC until brown. When ready sprinkle with powdered sugar.



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